Did you know that National Lucky Penny Day is celebrated every year on May 23! And who couldn't use a little luck right now? So here are a few (inexpensive!) ways you can celebrate #LuckyPennyDay that (*cough, cough*)..."make cents!" You can read The Worthless Penny right here...
Huge THANK YOU to all my new friends at East Hardy Early Middle School for being so cool to me during my author visit! I had a wild and wonderful time! And please don't forget to let me know when you publish your book...I want your autograph too! Special thanks to Robin See, Cheryl George, and Lost River Projects for making it happen.
Woah! The vending machines at the WARF don't play. They really need to read the The Worthless Penny. ☺
Here's your deal of the day! I'll mail you a signed bookmark and a lucky penny for FREE. Click the button below for details.
I read to my grandma tonight. I've found she enjoys being read picture books almost as much as kids. This book always makes our setlist.
The best publishing decision I’ve ever made was making The Worthless Penny “free” to read online - it actually boosted sales of the physical book. In an age where everything is consumed on an electronic device, it’s pretty cool to know that people still prefer their children’s books the old-fashioned way: on paper. Thanks to everyone who’s read, purchased, shared, and/or liked the book - and a huge shoutout to Donald Lambert at The NVD for helping me tell my story.
It's a great day when a bookstore says your children's book is "sweet and smart."
Here's the narration of the first few pages of my upcoming book, The Worthless Penny. Trust me, you’ll wanna have the sound on for this one. ☺ #booktrailerthursday
It's been almost a week and I still haven't stopped smiling since my author visit at Charlesmont Elementary School in Baltimore County, Maryland. This school is loaded with some of the coolest, friendliest, and brightest kids (and teachers!) you'll ever meet. I'm not kidding → I LOVED THIS VISIT. Thank you, Charlesmont!
There’s yellow corn. And yellow yolks. And yellow mustard, too. And yellow Jell-O! Yellow cheese! Bananas sure ain’t blue. And yellow cakes with yellow sprinkles - Pass the mac ‘n cheese! And lemonade’s just yellow juice from lemons that you squeeze. I think that proves all yellow foods are fine - so I don’t know... why everyone keeps telling me, “DON’T EAT THE YELLOW SNOW!” John Kerr Elementary School is incredible! Every student I met was so FRIENDLY, CREATIVE, and TALENTED...and every teacher I met was so WELCOMING. And then to be able to spend the entire day in the elementary school I graduated from just 33 short years ago…pretty cool. Thank you, John Kerr! I'll never forget this #authorvisit.
Today was the second day of school in my house. This poem sums up the mood perfectly... Before you go...My bestselling book, The Worthless Penny, is a fantastic resource for discussions about value, self-worth, and the basics of money. It's an engaging way to teach students important life lessons while introducing them to coins. If you get a chance, please check out the full book read aloud in the YouTube below... It's kinda surreal to see your book appear on an Amazon Top Ten Best Seller list alongside authors like James Patterson. But when you get the alert that he likes it, that's the dopamine rush. Thank you to everyone that helped me get here today. I really do appreciate it.
It's no state secret: Kids want to read books that are FUN! As the experts at Scholastic say, "Letting children choose what they want to read helps foster a lifelong love for reading." So to find out if my book #LASTWORDING: BEDTIME JUST GOT REAL is any fun, I took it to Middletown Elementary School in Virginia for its very first public reading. Now here's where things really get interesting... THEY DIDN'T BOO ME! Not even once. It kinda threw me off - totally expected to get pelted with rotten tomatoes. In fact, I may have even gotten a few laughs. Check out the video, good times for sure... Huge THANK YOU to everyone at Middletown Elementary School for treating me like a rock star today during my #authorvisit! It was the first time I've ever read #LastWording in public...and they didn't even boo me. In fact, I may have even gotten a few laughs! Good times. Thanks again, Middletown Elementary!
This Saturday (May 20th) from 12:00 to 12:30 I'll be hanging with the Handley Library @ KidzFest! They tell me we'll be located right in front of The Floor Shop on the Old Town Mall....so prepare to be "floored!" <Insert your groan here>
Stop by if you get a chance!